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Real-Time Social Media: Art, Not Science

Real-Time Social Media Marketing Since the early days of social media, brands have sought ways to connect their products and messages with the real-time interests of their audiences through “newsroom marketing.” These attempts to create timely, but tasteful brand content linked to cultural events have landed many brands in the spotlight. While some have clearly missed the mark, others have proven how powerful real-time responses can be.

When the lights went out during Super Bowl XLVIII, Twitter feeds were  suddenly overloaded with bad jokes and misdirected rage from football fans  across the U.S. Brand teams, however, strategically sprang into action. Oreo’s now-famous tweet perfectly placed the brand in the moment: “Power’s out? No problem. You can still dunk in the dark.” Other brands – including Audi, Tide,  NBC, and VW – capitalized  on the chance to connect themselves with an audience now craving both an explanation and Oreos, for some reason.

Since Oreo sparked the surging interest in “real-time marketing” at the Super  Bowl, we’ve learned a lot. The brand and its agency of record, 360i, collaborated to craft that tweet in just a few short minutes. And while some laughed when 13  people were listed in the creative credits for its Bronze Innovative Media CLIO Award, it proved that getting it right takes preparedness, a clear process for assessing and responding to opportunities, and great collaboration on all  levels.

Still, no brand has real-time social media marketing completely figured out. This week alone the birth of the Royal  Baby stymied some and elevated others. Clearly, real-time social media marketing is not a science, but an art – and one that will continue to change as our channels, technologies, and culture evolve. I’m just hoping I never see a branded twerking video.

Originally posted on the Advertising Week Social Club by yours truly here.